Importance of Certifications Webinar Series

Do you ever wonder if all the hard work you put into obtaining Cisco certifications will be worth it? Ask no longer.

In this series you have the opportunity:

  • To gain knowledge about the importance of certifications
  • Join a roundtable discussion with hiring managers
  • Hear testimonials from NetAcad Alumni about how certifications helped them get their job
  • Learn study tips for taking Cisco certifications

Join us and hear directly from former Cisco Networking Academy students and hiring managers on how Cisco certifications impact the hiring process. 

Session 1: Why Employers look for Certified Candidates

Do you wonder if having certifications really help you during the hiring process? We have heard many of you ask about whether or not employers value certifications. Hear the answers to these questions and many more in a facilitated roundtable discussion. This session will feature a panel of hiring managers, who can tell you exactly why they value certifications and the importance of certifications. 

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Session 2: How Certifications can Help You get Hired

Hear firsthand from former Networking Academy students on the importance of certifications as they describe their current job roles and major tasks that are involved, a typical day at work, and explain why having a certification was key in the hiring process. We will have a roundtable discussion with Networking Academy alumni and they will share their advice based on their experiences.

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Session 3: Insider tips on Studying for Cisco Certifications

Learn tips to study for Cisco Certification exams. We will have the Learning at Cisco team join us and they will share information about extra resources that are available to help you becoming cert ready. This is an opportunity to learn how to better prepare so you can pass your certification exams.

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Take our 15-question Cisco Networking I.Q. Quiz to check your readiness for CCNA Routing and Switching. One of the most in-demand certifications by employers for IT networking jobs.


Now that all sessions of this series have been hosted live, you can request a certificate of participation if you qualify.

To qualify for a Certificate of Participation you need to follow the below steps:
  1. Participate in all 3 sessions of the Importance of Certifications webinar series (either by attending live, watching all recordings, or a combination of live attendance and viewing the recordings for all 3 sessions)
  2. Request* a certificate by visiting:

*The opportunity to earn a certificate will close on 27 March 2019. If you qualify, and have followed the above steps, expect your Certificate of Participation via email by the end of April after attendance and recording reports have been cross-checked.

Please take note of these stipulations:

  • Webinar series are not the same as NetAcad courses and therefore certificates will not appear on
  • Certificates are emailed out in pdf form all at once to everyone who has requested and qualified for a certificate.