
Enroll Now Free: An Intro to Cybersecurity

The demand for cybersecurity experts has grown 3.5 times faster than any other technical role

Enroll now

The introductory course for those who want to explore the growing industry of cybersecurity

With billions of devices now online, new threats pop-up every second, and the demand for cyber defenders will continue to explode.

Today’s interconnected world makes everyone more susceptible to cyber-attacks. Whether you’re attracted to the relativity new world of cybersecurity as a professional, or just interested in protecting yourself online and in social media, this introductory course is the answer. You’ll walk away with an understanding of the most common threats, attacks and vulnerability and insight about how businesses can protect their operations.

  • This course is the first step towards CCNA certification level courses
  • 100% online, self-paced and free
  • No previous experience required
  • Certificate of completion awarded at end of course
15 hours
Level: 初階
Learning Type: 線上自我節奏
Languages: English, Français, Español
*Self-paced classes at NetAcad.com are free.

Accelerate Your Career with Networking Academy

Not only does Networking Academy provide best-in-class courses, but programs that help you bridge what's possible after you complete your studies.

Gain Experience

Access ideas and advice on how to get valuable hands-on experience.

Women Rock-IT

Offers live broadcasts of young women using technology to forge exciting careers.

Talent Bridge

Provides free career advice and connects you to jobs via a Matching Engine.


Cisco Networking Academy is an IT skills and career building program for learning institutions and individuals worldwide. Self-paced courses are designed to take at your own pace, at any point in your career journey. For 20 years, Cisco Networking Academy has changed the lives of 12.7 million students in 180 countries by providing education, technical training, and career mentorship.